His Marvelous Light Ministries'
2024 Sabbath Calendar
While it is true that God's Amazing Grace has made it possible for each one of us to claim a place in the new earth, the Bible also makes it very clear that there is a part each one of us must play in order to receive the benefit of that Amazing Grace. Christ told us, “And, behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12. It is our prayer that this calendar, with the many inspired quotes and photographs it contains, will help you to be prepared to receive "God's Amazing Grace"!
If you are on His Marvelous Light Ministries' mailing list, chances are that you have already, or will shortly be receiving one of these calendars in the mail - our gift to you for the systematic, faithful support you have given to the Lord's work over this past year. If you are NOT on His Marvelous Light Ministries' mailing list, be sure to call or e-mail us, request to be placed on the mailing list, and at the end of the year, as our appreciation for your monthly financial support, you will automatically receive HMLM's special full-color Sabbath calendar! These FULL COLOR, special wall hanging calendars feature the Lord's true Sabbath day, Saturday, set apart in a beautiful DEEP RED color! These calendars make great gifts! Give one to your friends and neighbors! Only $6.50 each, which includes shipping and handling! (USA ONLY)! For fastest service, you may immediately pay for your order using Paypal! Just calculate how many calendars you would like and send the payment immediately through Paypal to 'presenttruth4@hismarvelouslight.com'. Be sure to let us know the number you would like with your payment.
Only $6.50 each! S/H INCLUDED!! (USA ONLY) |
Contact us by: Phone (570)746-6280 or E-mail: presenttruth4@hismarvelouslight.com |