Information, Recent News, and Updates |
Welcome to His Marvelous Light Ministries' "Information and Updates" section. This page is a shortcut for our regular viewers to see what updates have been done to our website, and also to keep posted with current news and events happening at His Marvelous Light Ministries! If you are a new visitor to our site, please take time to explore each of our pages in our "office". Thank you, and may God bless you! February 1, 2025 We, the Staff of His Marvelous Light Ministries, would like to welcome you to HMLM's website! We hope you enjoy your visit and look forward to being of service to you! Please join with us in helping to spread the gospel like the leaves of autumn. Time is short - Christ's coming is even at the door!
Faster Internet is now here at His Marvelous Light Ministries!! After years of waiting and dealing with internet speeds not even comparable to dial-up speeds, His Marvelous Light Ministries has finally been connected to high-speed internet! Why is this important? Because up until recently, we have been unable to post Pastor Berwick's video sermons in a timely fashion, simply because the file sizes for the video sermons has been too great for our sub-par dial-up speeds to handle. Now, however, we are finally able to upload sermons without any issues! We praise God for this technology reaching our area, to be able to get updates posted in a much timelier fashion. This means that the sermons should be uploaded by the first of each month, for your enjoyment and use in your home church services each month!
His Marvelous Light Ministries' Latest Booklet Publications
NEW!!! - "The Destruction of The First Amendment" How close are we to the enforcement of laws that will run contrary to God's law? The destruction of the First Amendment of the Constitution is in the plans of both church and state! The restoration of the power to the beast of Revelation 13 by the lamb-like beast (the United States) is just about completed! Are you prepared? Are you willing to help others to be prepared for the very soon coming crisis - the destruction of the First Amendment fo the United States' Constitution? Order this booklet to hand out to your friends and neighbors! Don't let their blood be upon your hands!
"Do You Have A Life Insurance Policy?" The signs of the times are pointing to the fact that Christ's return is just around the corner! Many people now-a-days are worried about having life insurance policies, to financially provide for the future for family members. But, how many are looking to their future when it comes to heaven? Are you taking all the steps necessary in order to ensure that your future is secure, when Christ very soon says "It is finished" and this old world is destroyed? Order this book to make sure you know the steps and are preparing by having your own "Life Insurance Policy"!
" Cancer - Is There an Answer?" HMLM is happy to announce that the new witnessing booklet, "Cancer - Is There an Answer?" is now here and in stock! The health message is so important for these times in which we are living that we felt impressed to present another pocket-sized booklet on this salvational topic! A copy of this booklet was sent out with the October-December 2023 newsletter! If you are on the mailing list, you should have received a copy of this new booklet with the calendar as well!
Quick Links Now Added to Main "Office" Page! Several individuals have mentioned that they had a difficult time understanding or being able to navigate the main "Office" page. We attempted to make this page a fun, interactive page by having people click on different objects in the office to go to another page. However, we realize that not everyone is able to or wants to do that. So, we have added at the bottom of the main "Office" page a couple of quick links that will allow the user to quickly navigate to any page of their choice on His Marvelous Light Ministries' website. You will find those quick links at the bottom of the main "Office" page.
Monthly Sermons Can Now be Viewed and Listened to Online!! You may now find many of Pastor Berwick's sermons posted here! All of the audio AND video sermons from 2021 to the current time have been posted online, and are able to be viewed or listened to! So be sure to check out the SERMON page, where each sermon will be listed by title and month preached. For those within the United States, please remember that these sermons are still available for purchase on CD and DVD, and often will ship the same day you order them!
2025 Inspirational Nature Calendar!! His Marvelous Light Ministries' 2025 Inspirational Nature Calendar has been completed, and has now arrived at the office!! If you are on the mailing list, you should have received one of these brand new calendars with your October - December 2024 newsletter! You can still read about 2024's HMLM Calendar right here! If you are not on the mailing list but would like to be to receive the tri-monthly newsletter and automatically receive a free copy of HMLM's calendar for 2025, please call HMLM or e-mail us your name and address, and request to be added to the mailing list. Those who contribute systematically to one or more of HMLM's soul-winning endeavors will automatically receive next year's special inspirational calendar! They are usually printed and distributed with October / November / December's edition of "The Present Truth" newsletter each year.
NOTICE!!! SPECIAL POCKET BIBLE'S ARE NOW SOLD OUT!!!! Many years ago, back in the 1990s into the early 2000s, we had available a very special, limited edition King James Version POCKET-SIZED Bible, published by the World Publishing Company! This pocket Bible was sold out and was no longer in print since 2008. Recently we had obtained several copies of this amazing little Bible, but we are sorry to say His Marvelous Light Ministries HAS SOLD OUT all available copies, currently. Please check back to see if we can ever obtain more copies of this extremely rare pocket-sized Bible. Read all about it here - World Publishing KJV Pocket Bible
As many of you know, His Marvelous Light Ministries has been raising funds for the republishing of the special HMLM KJV Study Bible, used by thousands of Bible students over the past decade or more. (You can read about this amazing King James Version study Bible on our HMLM Bible page!) Over the past year or so, HMLM has been trying to raise funds to republish this special KJV Study Bible. Well, praise the Lord - thanks to all of the contributors to this project, the Study Bibles have been printed and on January 11, 2023, THEY WERE DELIVERED TO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT MINISTRIES' OFFICE!!! Thank you so much to all of those who have contributed funds to this most worthy cause!! As with everything now-a-days, unfortunately the costs of printing, shipping, and materials are going up. In order to off-set these costs, we have had to raise the price of the HMLM KJV Study Bible to $40.00 each, which still includes shipping to anywhere in the U.S. We do still offer a discount on case purchases (16 Bibles per case) - all of these prices can be seen on our HMLM KJV Study Bible page.
Bulkmailing Projects! His Marvelous Light Ministries is currently actively working in collaboration with several individuals and families to bulkmail many towns and cities all across the United States! Thousands of truth-filled booklets are being mailed out, warning each reader of the times we are living in, and reminding them that Christ's second coming is "even at the door"! If you would like information on how you can get involved in this important soul-winning project, please just e-mail us. HMLM's Bookstore If you are looking for Bibles, Spirit of Prophecy books, and / or Adventist Pioneer writer's books, we have a few for sale in our bookstore. If you do not see something listed, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail us and let us know what you're looking for. Chances are that if we don't have in stock what you're looking for, we can find it for you!
As you all know, the internet and the technological world is constantly updating and seeking to make improvements, so please bear with His Marvelous Light Ministries as we seek to update and renovate our website.
As always, if we can be of any spiritual assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us! We will do our best to assist you quickly.
May God bless and keep you! ~The Staff of HMLM
ALSO!!! PLEASE NOTICE: His Marvelous Light Ministries is now able to accept online payments via PAYPAL for any materials / goods ordered! All orders / donations can be sent to our paypal account using our e-mail address of However, please be aware that when paying for an order using paypal, HMLM must charge an additional 8% of your total cost to cover Paypal's fees. So for example, if your order totals $50.00, please add 8% to that total ($4.00) when you send payment. This helps us cover Paypal's large fees for the use of their service. If you have ANY questions about this method of payment, please just call (570)746-6280, or e-mail us and we'll do our best to help you. |